Thursday, October 13, 2005

Kohleidoscope hits the West Coast

I met with my friend, David, today.  David is the founder, owner, and artist of Ozark Handspun.  After months of trying, Ozark Handspun will finally be sold in Mid-Missouri at Hillcreek Yarn Shoppe.  WAHOO!
David is entering a fashion show at a yarn trade show in San Francisco in January.  He will be show casing his yarns and hopes to open up exposure to Ozark Handspun (I gotta say, however, that he's doing a damned fine job of it already - selling in something like 37 states and 2 other countries!!)  He has asked me to make part of the ensemble.  Yep.  I'll be making 2 items (which, out of respect to his business, I'll be keeping under wraps) that will go along with items he's making as well as items that my friend, Velma, is making (I think this is how it works.)
Regardless, in less than 6 months, my stuff will be on stage in California.



1 comment:

velma said...

Sorry I missed your call! I guess I'm making something too. I just figured that out this afternoon! I have to learn the double point... I hope you had a good time with Grandma!