Monday, October 17, 2005


TODAY I'm going to brag on other people. TODAY I'm going to appreciate. TODAY I'm going to give credit where credit is due.

On with the show.

My business partner and dear dear friend, DDFF is making a HUGE change in her reality, she's taking a huge step in her career. My partner is becoming a midwife. She's going to catch babies for a living. She'll be testing with NARM in a couple of years, has her preceptor already lined up. Birthing women, get ready, you'll soon be getting a remarkable, wonderful new option. Love and Kisses and Praise for DDFF. My heart's just bursting with pride for you, Mamasita. Everything as it should be.

Jill wrote a post about her husband that changed my outlook on my husband. I've loved Jill for 15 years now (damn, I'm old,) and she just keeps getting better and better. I'm so scared for us - she's coming to the US for Christmas and I'm telling you, we're going to kill some brain cells in celebration. You know, things get a little crazy Down on Cripple Creek.

Velma is coming home for a month over the holidays. This thrills me beyond words. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY. Oh, yes the bragging part of Velma. Check this out.

JenPen is a rocking professional woman and I love her to bits. With her Master's degree in education, she's actually EDUCATING children, not just schooling them. She is an amazing cellist and lord Almighty, the girl is fun to be friends with. Whooooo, White Lightning! I love you, toots.

Stealth appreciates things, too. Just this morning he said, "Hey Mama!!! Hey Mama!! Snots are sticky and they taste good, too!!" sheesh.

Duck has started reading my mail to me. And recipes. This is awesome. If I need extra hands, he can read while I work. And he's getting pretty damned good at the math stuff, too, so pretty soon he'll be balancing my checkbook and such. I love that little guy with the big brain.

B is doing something really hard for him today. In order to save his friend's life, he's going to rat him out. Addiction is a terrible terrible thing and sometimes you have to do whatever you can to help someone pull themselves up out of the cesspool. I know how hard this is. Believe me I know. It takes courage and strength and love - 3 things my husband has in abundance. I love you Monkey. You're doing the right thing.

As for me, I'm making money doing what I love. I'm loving the people I make my life with. And I'm making life be something I love. Amen.

Have a great day, all. Be good to yourselves. Listen to lovely music. Eat delightful foods. Read something that stretches your brain. And pat yourselves on the back -you're doing the best you can.


Dee2 said...

((sniff)) - thanks Mama!
You know you are my woman when I hang my own shingle out!

velma said...

thank you. =)