Saturday, May 19, 2007

Well, I've done that now, time to move on

So yesterday I wrote the poor, woe is me post about everything that is wrong with my life and how I wanted to fix it all with booze.
And last night I did take care of it, for the time being, with beer.
And now I've done that and don't need to do it again.
With every crisis, I take one day to just lose it and be irresponsible.  Just one day.  Sometimes I choose the day.  Sometimes the day chooses me.  Yesterday, it chose me.
But today is a new day.  I feel like I've emptied all the gnarlies out and can start building on the intelligence and down to earth nature of myself that has kept me out of the shit pile for over 30 years.
So bring it, suckas.  I can handle life and all it's creepie crawlies.
Just be sure to bring some Ibuprofen along with you.

1 comment:

Dee2 said...

I love you so much! You are so hard core.
Doggy playdate?