Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day, Shopping Bulemia, and Beer

So the 3 day weekend was glorious!  I'm not going to get into too much detail, but I did almost everything I wanted / needed to do.  The only things left out were mopping the floor and laundry - and who the hell wants to do that stuff anyhow?
I found out that my new favorite place in the whole wide world is even cooler than I imagined.  Bear Creek Trail goes from the NE corner of our town all the way to the NW side (for you locals -Blue Ridge to Cosmo!!)  Saturday I took Hank to the doggie park to play and then to walk on the trail and I ended up a few miles away across town!  Who knew?1?!?!?!  Along the way, we crossed bridges and boardwalks, shaded areas, beautiful sunny meadows, wetlands, woods, and, of course, Bear Creek.  It was so wonderful that I took B there with Hank on Saturday night.  Pictures to come ....
Yesterday found me walking Hank before 7 am.  I cannot sleep.  I just don't sleep well anymore, so walking is just as good.  There's something amazing about a cool, quiet morning, walking my dog and listening to Erzulie.  Made it home and gave Hank a bath before 9. 
I spent the rest of Sunday shopping** and trying on a zillion bras - bought a couple!  I also spent quite a bit of time yesterday giving a woman in my life a proper bra fitting.  The woman was wearing a bra 2 cup sizes too small!!  LADIES, I'm telling you, GET FITTED FOR A BRA!!!!!    She looks 20 lbs lighter and 10 years younger and let me tell you, her girls are finally saluting the sun instead of doing Downward Dog!!!  Nest in line for my bra intervention - my MIL!!  I'm going to revolutionize the world, one tit at a time.
I realize that I could just as easily (and happily) spend hundreds of dollars on my dog as I can myself because after I splurged on myself, I nearly bought him every bone and chew and toy imaginable and then (today) I bought him some new clothes, too!    (I'm a huge huge huge advocate for the use of adjustable harnesses for dogs as opposed to collars and have been for years - especially big dogs who can escape collars or who are prone to pulling on the lead.  Wanna know more? Ask me!)
**When B asked me what I wanted for MD, I told him, "Cash!"  And of course, he thought I was joking.  It took him overhearing me telling 2 girlfriends, my mother, and my MIL before he realized that I just wanted to go shopping!  He was amazingly thrilled to not have to go shopping for me, thus gifting me with a rather nice wad of cash.  I'm telling you ladies, try it - it works!!
So along with the shopping came my usual disorder - shopping bulimia.  B diagnosed me with this disorder several months ago and I have to say, he's quite the diagnostician -- he's right on.  I buy all kinds of things - and then return 90% of it all.  It's true!  Yesterday I bought and returned 3 bras, 2 shirts, and two pair of shorts --- all within an hour.  But the thing is ... I found it all cheaper at another store, so I bought it from the other store and then returned it all to the first!  HEY - I saved $5 that way!  This morning, I went to Petco to get a good harness for Hank and I got him another bone (I know, I have issues.)  I left the store (after dropping a rather large sum of money on a 4 legged fur face,) and went to another store ... only to find the exact same harness at 1/2 the price!  So I went back to Petco and returned the bone and harness I had just purchased 15 minutes earlier.  I do this kind of thing all the time and it drives B insane.  But I'm here to tell you -- I saved $32 doing that!  And that $32 is going to buy me some sushi at some point and it already bought me some ...
I love beer.  I really love beer. Well, I really love this beer.  Good night Irene, I love that beer.  It's tasty and dark and, well, it's just that good.  I see it all the time, on TV, in photos from around the states, etc.  Never the name, just the distinctive yellow labels and I have to scream out "GIMME A SHINER!"  Fortunately, no one has attempted to honor this request by punching me in the eye yet, but I suppose it might happen sometime. No biggie -I'll just put some beer on it.


Mama All-Star said...

Sweet Moses Mama, there's a name for returning everything almost immediately??? TG b/c I have this affliction. A few of the cashiers at JCPenneys have become savvy to my ways too..

PS-Glad you had a rockin' Mothers Day weekend!


Dee2 said...

I find this hysterical!
I usually just load the cart with shit that I put back before I actually purchase it. Sometimes I think I just want to hang out with those things for a while. Then I decide I don't like 'em/need 'em/desire their presence anymore.

Mmmm. beer.