Thursday, May 24, 2007


I need to get in the shower.  There's a homeschool picnic sort of thing this afternoon and, while I'm not really excited about going, I know it will be good for Duck and Stealth.  I just really dislike the whole chit chat crap that goes on with parents at things like this.  It's what I've always disliked about playdates with random kids or birthday parties where the whole clan has to sit around and talk about Johnny's progress in multiplication or Suzie's newest science experience or Mack's latest discovery of the pleasure of eating boogers.  WHO CARES?
I've recently discovered that this tragic need to "talk to the parents" also bleeds into the dog park.  Doggie parents, or at least some of them, feel the need to have lengthy and personal conversations with the other doggie parents at the dog park.  Why?  Yes, I know we all love our dogs and believe me, it's no stretch to get me to talk about Hank for hours on end, but really?  Really?  Really do you need to come running to me and my children and my dog when we walk into the leash free area and start talking to me about your niece and your other dogs and life on the farm as if a) I know you, and b) we're best friends, and c) I care?  I understand the desire to be social, I do.  Believe me, I'm a social person and love to hang as much as the next gal, but honestly?  When I throw a stick into the lake for Hank to chase and I go to the *other* side of the lake while he swims, PLEASE do not follow me.  If I have my kids with me, I will talk to you so they don't witness me being rude.  But if I'm by myself, folks, read and learn - I'm interested in 3 things : My dog, my i-Pod, and myself.  The end.  Unless the Great Pyrenees pair are there (or the Great Dane (Hey Raleigh!  Hey Chester!  Hey Rexie!,) I'm pretty much gonna keep to myself.  Thanks.
And while we're on the topic of dog parks, let me just say this right here -- If your dog is not social, do NOT bring her into the leash free area and then accost the other dog owners if our dogs make your dog nervous!  Dogs are pack animals and it is part of their nature, indeed an essential part of their nature, to check out other dogs and figure out who's the alpha, etc.  That means that some dogs bark, some dogs growl, some dogs go a little bonkers.  This is normal and fine.  If you'll watch, most dogs who do this are doing so with their tails wagging and smiling the whole time.  This is social and normal and important and, if you just chill the hell out and quit making your dog nervous yourself, they will be fine.  Let the dogs do the dog thing and in minutes, they'll be swimming and running and loving each other like they were all dipped in chicken treats.   If you know, in advance, that your dog doesn't dig well with others, DON'T BRING THEM INTO THE LEASH FREE DOG PARK.   This is just common sense.  If you don't get this, folks, you don't even deserve to have a dog.
I've learned that it's best to let stupid people be stupid and crazy people be crazy because they'll both take you down with them if you try to, even for a second, get them out of being stupid and crazy.  Stupid and crazy never change -- they just add to their numbers.
I'm in the middle of this sick and twisted waiting game with my phone.  I'm waiting for the phone to ring.  Could be either a) my client's birth, b) my grandfather's death, or c) my FIL trying to resolve things with me after he fucked up horribly last week and I made him cry as a result of his actions.  Anyone care to guess which one I'm hoping for?  When you figure it out, let me know.
DDFF, class tonight?  No?  I know you have the show .....
B is the best husband ever.  The end.  Flowers twice this week, a gorgeous card that made me cry, he took the kids on a bike ride AND played with Hank AND is sending me paint shopping. Love him.
I need a new dress.  Or a few.
My friend, D is marrying E this weekend in Boise.  Lots of my girlfriends are gonna be there.  Love you, ladies.  Rock the Casbah for me.  And whew!  Another game of "I never..." that I don't have to confess to .....
Must. Go. Camping.  I'm thinking Tuesday ...

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