Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thoughts on a Thursday

Because I haven't thrown in any random posts in awhile, here we go in no random order -

It's about to storm. Or so it looks. Now, having said that, it's looked like this off and on for days. Normally, this wouldn't bother me much, but I have to decide - do I take the dog on our afternoon mile walk or do I somehow manage to wear him out playing fetch and catch and hide and seek?

Speaking of Hank - he's amazing. I know you all are going to get so sick of hearing about Hank and seeing pictures of Hank and all that. Kind of like I'm showing off pictures of my newborn --- but I'm telling you all in advance, it's going to be WAAAAAAAAAAY worse than having a newborn 'cause I've always liked dogs more than people. So either puppy up or find someone else to read.

It's Thursday which means that The Office comes on tonight. This show is my hands down favorite TV show and B manages to remember that and not let our kids interrupt me during that time. It makes me howl -- and I like that stupid people don't get it. That's the beauty of irony and dry humor --- it's a built in IQ test.

Did I mention that I have a wonder dog? Let me tell you how cool he is. Today we went to the doggy park (well, okay, we've gone every morning thus far....) and of course, Hank decided to go swimming. And the boys and I decided that he's much too advanced to simply swim, he must swim and fetch. So I started throwing tennis balls into the lake one at a time and he would jump in, swim out to them, fetch them, swim back, and drop them at my feet. At one point, one of the boys threw the second tennis ball out into the lake while Hank was already swimming out to get one. Check it out - my dog not only fetched the one that I threw for him, he swam behind the other ball, batting it with his front paws as he swam, until it reached the bank. He got out of the lake, dropped the ball in his mouth at my feet and then grabbed the one that he had guided to shore and dropped that one in my hand!!!!!!!!!!! I'm telling you folks, Hank is OUTSTANDING! Hell, I'm not that smart! (Okay, this is a phone picture and it is NOT of him doing the two ball trick, but you know, it's pretty darn cute anyhow - note tennis ball in mouth!)

Tomorrow is Friday, the start of a lovely 3 day weekend for me. My inlaws are grabbing the kidlets around noon tomorrow and I'll get them back sometime late in the afternoon Sunday. Ahhhhhhh. I love my kids, I really really do, but I love them even more when they've been gone for awhile and I've had the opportunity to have a few drinks, get laid several times, do some shopping, hang with the dog, sleep in, clean a house and have it stay clean, listen to Kid Rock very loudly in the living room, say "FUCK" whenever I want, and then to balance things out, do tons of yoga and meditation --- before getting back to the sex and cussing, of course.

Hank has at least one playdate this weekend with DDFF's baby girl, Piper, a German Shepherd whom I love to bits (and Piperella is quite fond of me, too.) I'm hoping that she becomes a little more social and can hang with Hank and be good pals. It's possible that we might also get together with K & L's three labs, Huba, LuLu, and Tea (pronounced Tay-uh.) FUUUUUUUUN!!!

My ex-husband is on Myspace and we're on each other's friends lists. It's cool and all - I mean, we were just kids when the shit went down between us. But it's just kind of strange to read his bulletins or messages or whatnot and see things that are very clear references to me - and they are very kind references. He's a good egg, that one. I mean, he's really harmless and honestly deserves a good woman --- but a woman needs a man and he's still just a boy.......

B is smoking again. He's terribly ashamed of it. I have to say, I'm stunned. I've never seen him be unable to beat anything before. Eh, well. That's one monkey that is not on my back - thank you Elvis. But I do have to say, when he brings home O'Doul's Amber and then lights a smoke, I want to scream out, "HEY, Buster, if you're smoking, I'm drinking! Get me a Shiner Bock before I shove that Winston Light up your freaking nose!" Perhaps I'll save that for this long weekend when I can stand naked behind the locked screen door and not let him in until he goes to the liquor store and returns with something appropriate for me to drink.

Ahhhhhhhhh and there's the rain ....

Lily Allen. Love her. I know she's getting tons of play right now and folks are pissy about her cancelling her US tour. I say RIGHT ON!! I love cancelling plans.

My poor nephew is having tons of tummy problems. While it's probably 99.9% genetic, I'm still convinced it's because they put him on formula at 2 weeks of age. I know I know I know - I don't want to hear it, I don't care, I know your sermon already, I've heard it all before and let me tell you, keep preaching it until you're blue in the face - you're still wrong (check the scientific evidence, if you're in doubt.) I'm sure I've offended many of you - and I don't care.. This is my blog, dammit, and I can say whatever I freaking want to and I'm saying it - bottle feeding your baby because of convenience reasons is not the best thing for your baby. I'm a breastfeeding Nazi and I know it. Feel free to disagree with me, I'm well aware that zillions of babies have survived on formula. Note, I said survived. Seeing that baby drinking formula? I might as well be watching someone feeding him cheese whiz. VOM. IT. Of course I don't tell my SIL or BIL this - it's their child, their choice. I respect their right to choose. My tongue is just all bloody from biting it so damned hard.

Duck has just informed me that everyone is perfect except for strangers. Guess I only know strangers.

I have two children up for grabs. Anyone who wants them is free to take them. Today, I have had enough. Come on Noon tomorrow.
Elvis, grant the courage to change the things I can, the grace to accept the things I cannot, and the strength to bitch slap some sense into all those idiots who ruin it for the rest of us.

1 comment:

Dee2 said...

I love random posts :)

Very, very excited about the doggies getting together this weekend. Piper needs a buddy to do doggy things with. when this weekend?