Friday, April 21, 2006

Scientific Experiment

I'm letting my kids go crazy today on the Easter Candy (thank you, MIL.)  I usually dole it out, but then I eat it and I don't need that.
So, for today and today only, they are allowed to eat as much of if as they want.  Starting now, at 7:26 in the morning.
Wish us all luck.  I wonder how many will be standing at the end of it all ...


Dee2 said...

Suzanne and Dave did this on Easter when Alex was 3 or 4.
He ate until he threw up, refused dinner, then ate more candy later.
The next morning, he asked for candy!
Needless to say, it didn't have the desired effect.

I'm intrigued to see what happens with your kids.
I let my kids eat all they wanted on Chocolate Day last Sunday.
I just made a point not to buy that much. ;-)

BUT the girls are going to do Easter with my Mom this Sunday - I'm picturing tummy aches.

Anonymous said...

have you lost your mind, Mama??
Best of luck!