Sunday, April 09, 2006


It's Sunday.  It's B's day off.  It's Spring.  All wonderful things.
This morning was B's day to sleep in.  This man can sleep anytime, anywhere, for long periods of time, so it's my job to wake him up, even on his days off, because if left to his own devices, he'll sleep all freaking day.  So I woke him up this morning by crawling into bed with him (a little jealous that it wasn't my own day to sleep in.)  We lay there talking, listening to the birds, hanging out.  The boys wandered in and climbed into bed with us.  I was struck by how blessed I am. 
I have a beautiful family.  I have a handsome, responsible, respectable, energetic, loving, ambitious, motivated, Renaissance kind of husband.  We have two gorgeous, smart, funny, spiritual boys.  We own our own home.  We own (to some extent) our own businesses.  We are skilled people.  We have friends.  We have family.  We have a strong belief system.  We have trust.  We have peace in our lives.  We know who we are, what we want, and how to get it. 
This afternoon, we'll play outside in our yard, climb our own trees that we are borrowing from the Earth for awhile.  I'll bring my spinning wheel out and I'll spin on the deck while the men in my life mill about trimming branches, raking old leaves, pulling weeds.  I'll see the red buds on our tree, smell the daffodils that are everywhere, and watch the tiny tulip, the only one we have, slowly bloom at the bottom of our deck stairs.
Maybe later I'll call a girlfriend and plan a night for dinner  / drinks (DDFF, SS, I'm thinking of you, Sistahs.)
Maybe we'll put the boys to bed early and spare some time for just B and me as a couple.
Maybe I'll go buy some beer and n/a beer and we'll sit outside around the fire pit after dark.
All I know for sure is that I have all I've ever wanted.  All that matters, anyway.


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