Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Winter Sucks

It’s cold.  Currently, it’s 15 degrees outside.  This afternoon, the mercury will shoot up to the high, high number of 24 degrees.  For those of you who are out in areas where it never dips below 50, let me say two things.  Number 1 – at 15 degrees, it physically hurts to be outside.  Number 2 – screw you.

My husband and I have a love affair with old trucks and VWs.  While we no longer have the VW bus with the popup, we do still have 2 Toyota Landcruisers from the early 1980’s.  Now, given, one is a parts truck for the other, but still we have two.  The beauty of these trucks is that they will go over anything.  ANYTHING.  They are built tough, strong, built to last and keep on kicking ass until they drop.  And, I have to say it’s fun to see the reactions as I drive around in this enormous truck.  The bitch about them is that they are old, they are crotchety, they are pissy, and they take forever, and I mean forever, to warm up.  B usually ends up spending time sitting in his truck letting it warm up, freezing parts of his body and trying to watch the choke so the engine doesn’t explode.  You know, normal morning activity!

Since it was so damned cold this morning, B decided that it was time to dig through our enormous storage barrel that holds all our scarves, hats, gloves, coats, etc., to bring out the black leather coat.  As he was digging through the barrel, occasionally screaming out, “hey baby, look what I found!,”  I hear a colossal crash and spill followed by, “Holy Fuck.”  Now, we have a great sex life and I would say that some of our evenings of bliss could very well be termed spiritual, but when I hear him say, “Holy Fuck,” I know he’s not ready to have a cigarette and fall asleep.  Something happened, something bad.

Sure enough, I turned the corner into my workroom for Kohleidoscope and saw the cause of the reaction.  Holy Fuck, indeed.  While I’ve kept it under wraps, I’m expanding Kohleidoscope to include jewelry.  If you’ve ever made jewelry, you know that it entails millions and millions of tiny beads, spacers, clamps, gems, gizmos and doodads.  All of these little things had been organized in a special container and guarded with my life – until this morning.   This morning, I turned the corner to see all 13 bazillion of these tiny little things flung all over the room.

It took us an hour to pick them all up and get them organized.  AN HOUR.  

Meanwhile, the truck was about to explode.

I hate winter.

1 comment:

velma said...

that sucked...