Tuesday, December 20, 2005

And so it was ...

So here sit 4 tired, crabby boys. The twins and their mama come by for a visit today and all of the 4 billion Thomas the Tank Engine friends came out, as did the Bob the Builder stuff, and the game of Upwords, until finally, a movie won out.

It was a nice visit. My friend announced that she is expecting their last child in April - a girl!

It's always a little strange visiting with this particular group of folks - especially in my house. My friend has many degrees, her husband is an attorney and a partner in a prestigious law firm in Houston. They have money. They have a nice house and nice jewels and nice nice nice. We are hippies. We are artists. We have a small house that needs work, Bob Marley blasting from the stereo, spinning wheels and mat cutters and yarn and beads everywhere. My friends have more room in their bedroom closet than I have for a kitchen AND dining area combined. They are nice and polite and we are earthy and free spirited. The great thing about this is that we still deeply care about each other (I was a bridesmaid in her wedding,) and our differences have never out shown our similarities. BUT, as they tip toe around my house, trying to figure out where to sit (is there room to sit??) it's hard to not feel inferior. They are always loving and kind and have never once passed judgment on me, but wow, different worlds.

Then I see my kids and know that they will not be going to daycare. I see my house and know that the curtains were made by me, that the fuzz on the floor is from my art. I see my family and how we fit perfectly into our little house. There's not much room for any more - any one else or anything else - but we don't need anything more than we already have. Our home keeps us together. It keeps us safe. It keeps us.

Our family, our house, our lifestyle may not be conventional -but I've never wanted to be conventional. I've wanted to be comfortable. And screw anything that says otherwise.

Merry Christmas, M, S, R, & J (and new baby girl.) May you all get exactly what you want and may you always want exactly what you get.

All my love,
That strange liberal hippie chick with the nose ring and wild sons who live in a breadbox. Posted by Picasa

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