Friday, December 30, 2005


Yesterday I saw a friend of mine whom I haven't seen in over 10 years. Well, actually, I saw her 9 years ago, but she was in a funk and so was I, so it doesn't even count 'cause we barely spoke to each other. Surely I've done worse (RELAX, freakshow, it's FINE!!!) We went to Shakespeare's and gorged ourselves on pizza and beer with her hunky, delightful, Dutch husband and her amazingly grown up little brother who I still see in my head as being 11 years old, although he's out of college now. Did I mention the beer? That would explain the ridiculous look on our faces - and this terribly lame and pathetic post.

I laughed so hard yesterday, I thought I might ruin my jeans. Good friends stay good friends, regardless of miles between you or years since your last visit. Jill is a good friend and has an amazing stash of local gossip although she lives in freaking Ireland!

She brought the kiddies toys! HOORAY! And she brought me a huge stash of yarn from her local yarn shop in Cork. I cannot imagine what I'm going to do with it.

I'll be seeing Jill again tomorrow night for the big ol' New Year's Eve cocktail party - along with about 20 or so other folks I haven't seen since I crossed the threshold into my 20's. It's going to be a blast and B is even humoring me enough to come along, although it will be agonizing for him. Soon, she'll be off to Botswana. But I'm sure I'll be hearing from her - she's supposed to be sending my kids a monkey. Posted by Picasa

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