Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year!!

In a few short hours, we'll be saying goodbye to 2005 and hello to 2006. UNREAL. The years go by faster and faster as time goes by. This has been an amazing year for me and my family. Some of it has sucked, to be sure, but overall, I cannot complain. Afterall, we are all still here, we are all still together, we are all still out of jail. That spells success to me!

B and I will be leaving our house in a couple of hours and going to the town where we both lived as teenagers. I think we will win the strangest cargo contest - we'll be toting along a suitcase entitled "Traveling to Grandma's," a bowl of Ceasar salad, a spinning wheel, 2 children, an overnight bag, a huge bottle of bourbon, 22 skeins of handspun yarn, and probably 4 fishing poles and 2 tackle boxes. Say what you will about a minivan - just try to load that shit into a Corvette.

After we drop the kidlets off at Grandma's, we'll be having dinner with David, his wife Terri, Velma, and some friends of theirs. It will be very interesting because, you see, the house where we'll be eating is the same house in which I fell in lust with B 12 years ago. Velma and I used to sit on her porch and watch 20 year old B climb out of his VW bus (shirtless, no less,) and run into the house he rented just 2 doors down from Velma's. The house holds magic, I'm certain.

Then off to the gala of the year (at least for us old parental types,) the NY'sE bash at Jill My Bill's (someday I'll post about why I call her that - but that's another time.) This could be amazing, it could bomb, we just don't know. What I do know is that I am looking forward to spending the last few minutes of this year and the first few of the new one with old friends and the ever present reminder that the old cheesy song is true, " Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold."

If I survive, I'll post pictures.

To all of you - Happy New Year. May you all stay out of jail, may you all stay on the road, may all of you have someone to kiss at midnight (even if it's just Johnny Depp on your TV,) and may all your dreams come true!


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