Monday, December 12, 2005

Beauty, Balls, Beads, Bullox, Brilliance - not in that order

Here's my set up for spinning. I had it set up in the living room for the weekend, but last night it moved into the basement. That basket used to be overflowing, but now the loose wool and mohair that remains have been smashed down by the 6 skeins that I made over the weekend. Each skein gets better, but there's a LONG way to go. I feel so much comfort from the fact that David has said, "It'll take you 6 months to learn to spin well." Whew, no pressure! I can say that one of my main issues is dealing with over twist - mostly because I'm too slow to realize that when I want the yarn to stop moving, I need to stop moving my freaking feet. That's brains, folks. Big ol' glorious brains. And they're all asleep. Ah well, I'll get it.

DDFF and I were hired by a lovely couple yesterday who are hoping to have a vaginal birth after 2 previous cesareans. Man, I hope it happens for them. They have the 2 most beautiful little girls that I have ever seen - huge brown eyes, dimples, smiles from ear to ear. I'm really looking forward to working with them.

Speaking of clients, we have a client who is making us pull our hair out. I cannot even call it miscommunication, maybe LACK of communication is a better word, this gal has had at least 3 women all totally confused as to our roles in her birth - she cannot make a decision. It's frustrating when folks believe the world revolves around them. It's her birth and, of course, she should call the shots as to who is present, but damn, if others are counting on your decisions, make the damned decisions, eh? Control issues like this often lead to long, gnarly births. All we can do is shake our heads. Sometimes this job stinks.

I've got to hit the craft store today. My nephew is 12 years old going on none of your damned business. He wants a necklace for Christmas - a black beaded necklace. I can dig it. I know that stage. Hell, part of me is still in that stage. I'm really looking forward to looking for stuff for a dark piece. I love beautiful jewelry and accessories - hell, I make money creating them, but sometimes it's nice to make something that has a bite.

Richard Pryor died this weekend. Damn. I'm glad that he's no longer messing around with MS. That's some nasty disease. But it's sad that the world has lost such a brilliant comedian. Of course, he's not exactly what I'd call a role model for my kids, but I have always loved the fact that he told it like it is, no holds barred, and everyone just had to deal with it. Rest in peace, Richard. I hope you went knowing that you were loved by Whitey, too. (Man, my brother's Christmas present is extra timely now.)

The boys were gone all weekend and B took time off so we had the weekend to ourselves. While most people would have visions of crazy monkey sex, loud music, late nights, and salad in the living room, we actually worked all weekend. B finished 2 pieces he'd been working on for ages, just in time for Christmas. These families are going to be so happy to have them. Framing is so complicated - so much more so than even I knew. He has finally started a project he's been wanting to do for 6 months and it's coming along well. So well, in fact, that I think he's going to make a duplicate for our home. NICE. We both accomplished a lot - but now it's Monday, the weekend is over, and we feel like we didn't see each other at all.

DDFF and I exchanged Christmas gifts this weekend. She's so generous - it makes my head swell. Thanks, DDFF. I love it all. We're going to be the two best smelling freakshows in town. We gotta get sushi soon. SOON. Maybe we can do a cast of a fish for food? ;-)

VJ comes to MO in 7 days. Need I say more?

It's going to be 44 degrees today. A heat wave. I need to go - I must go find my bathing suit. Posted by Picasa

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