Saturday, July 02, 2005

Bullet points of my existence

Okie dokie, folks. Here's a partial list of the contents of my head. In no particular order and, as always, with no particular sense of flow. If you recognize yourself in any of these bullets, well, then it's for you. If you don't - IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU, so don't tell me your opinions - I don't care. Get your own blog.

  • FELTING KICKS ASS. I just finished a great bag and felted for the very first time. I let it go a little too long in the hot water and yep, it got a little too small, but it's Lov-er-ly. I call it "Ring of Fire," or "Rang of Fahr." Pictures coming soon. I'm now over halfway done with another one. Gotta win the lottery, though, 'cause this shit is way more expensive than schwag yarn from Hobby Lobby.

  • This pisses me off beyond words - when folks will say things like, "I just cannot allow this to continue any longer," or, "I don't know that I can handle this or that situation - just so everyone knows my concerns," but they don't have a flipping plan to deal with it. It's like saying, "Okay, this is wrong with me, this is wrong with me, I'm unhappy about this, I'm unhappy about that - now, YOU FIX IT FOR ME." Words are NOTHING without a plan. HAVE A DAMNED PLAN and stop being so passive aggressive. If you don't want it to happen, SAY NO. If you feel like it needs to be stopped, STOP IT. But, for the love of Elvis, don't just bitch about it and whine about it. DO SOMETHING. Don't expect others to fix it for you - and don't expect to take the glory of being a hero and acting all like a martyr if you don't act. Saying there's a problem isn't fixing the problem - and if you're not fixing the problem, you're part of it. There is NO middle ground.

  • No one and I mean NO ONE has a better understanding about what my children are aware of than me. I know what they know, I know what they need, and if you presume to tell me that you know better, you had better duck 'cause I'm gonna come out swinging. You are now warned. NEVER question me again.

  • I would be so dead without my girlfriends. VJG, I am so sorry I wasn't able to listen well yesterday about the situation re: Fox News and the issues surrounding. But, as always, you let me be me, let me cry it out (oh shit, I've just let the world know that I cry,) and gave me permission to be human. I love you, I love you, I love you. DDFF - seriously, I could eat you up. Yarn, scones, coffee, sushi, wine, homeschooling, Icords and all. I'm 100% postive she's my soul mate. Peace out.

  • Brian is seriously skilled with matting. Seriously. Now, we need to find a good place to sell him molding at wholesale prices without a major business crisis - Damn, the kid is just doing it for friends out of our garage. Hook us up and I'll felt you something purty.

  • Reading to my kids every single day has been a part of our lives since they were born. Reading The Wizard of Oz every day has been a gift - honestly, if you have kids who are little, you gotta start reading chapter books aloud. Thanks so much, JP, for the books and turning me on to the concept of reading to my kids 5 years above their own reading level. It's made the world of difference in their skills and in our time together. You've been a treasure to me for more than 6 years now - I value you beyond words.

  • The Dukes of Hazzard, Phish Food, and a little garage salad make a pretty damned perfect evening.

  • Purple metallic paint just looks better on skin than on any other surface. It's been tested over and over again. You gotta paint your skin. Today, Stealth looks like a Roller Disco.

  • I love DVDshrink. LOVE IT.

  • VJ, I think the satan pants just are not meant to be pants. I'll try again. Maybe it's supposed to be a haltar top and skirt. Don't know. The Dark One is a little bastard, yes? (Disclaimer - this refers to an inside joke. The Dark One does not honestly come in and look at my fabric swatches and screw with my sewing. Do not come to my house and no, I don't want to go to church with you.)

  • I have again found my favorite Solid Gold Dancer. WA-HOO. No, I'm not giving back the hot pants.

  • Computer games, movies, popcorn - a little veg-fest is okay for everyone once in awhile. I'm off to go start that NOW.

MORE random deep thoughts to come. I gotta let Jack Handy out of the trunk of my van.

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