Saturday, July 09, 2005

Bright Blessings

I'm supposed to be camping on the Mississippi River this weekend with my husband. We've had the trip planned for months and months and months. In fact, I remember seeing the snow fall as I wrote it on the calendar. My brother and sister of the heart, Carrie and Seth, have gotten married and they're having a big ol' bash to celebrate.

Because of some circumstances that are totally out of our hands, we are unable to go. Let me tell you, I'm a little more than annoyed with this. But, that's another post entirely.

What would I tell them if I were there?

Maybe the old standby, "May the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows." I say that to all newlyweds (with the exception of one couple for whom I actually was too drunk to get it right and said it backwards - HA, what a blessing that was!)

Maybe I would say, "Remember that each day is a choice. You choose to be together every single day - there is no certainty in life. Love each other every day as if it is your last."

Maybe I would say what was once said to me and Brian, "Give me the bong and go get a room!"

Who knows. I'm not there, so I don't have to decide.

Carrie, Seth, Maizie Moon - I love you all. You have touched my life, my heart, and my soul. Your togetherness brings others together. Your love makes others love. Your light shines on us all. Congratulations!

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