Sunday, July 31, 2005

Oh, I am in love

forgive me, I'm playing with the colors a bit - don't go blind.)

It's Sunday morning, my one true love is sleeping still (on my pillow, of course,) and I'm up doing the morning chaos routine with my little beans. Oh how I love those little beans. Regardless - it's morning and the beans got their Apple Jacks and juice and then ran downstairs to have their computer time.

I gathered up my swimming pool of coffee and my knitting and started the hunt to find decent news on Sunday morning (really - do we honestly need to see
The Hour of Power?) After watching all the CNN and MSNBC that I could stomach, I found a little lovely show on A&E called Breakfast with the Arts. Today I saw John Butler with The John Butler Trio.

The man is on FIRE


Perhaps I have missed the boat - perhaps everyone else in the world knows about John Butler - but it's new to me and I am curious as to how I have lived without this music for 29 years.

This trio of men, armed with a 12 string guitar, a small drum set, and an upright bass, belted out an AMAZING song that was just oozing with roots music influence. There was a taste of reggae, a hint of gospel, a dash of country, a splash of jazz, a heavy helping of blues.

Wow. I mean WOW.

Now I'm on the hunt. I may actually buy music for the first time in ages. He's AMAZING. The Trio is AMAZING.

I'm in love.

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