Monday, August 14, 2006

back in the saddle again

I've been dreaming about births lately.  I've been dreaming about the rush I get from being around the power of hard working mamas and the intoxicating head rush that comes when the birth mojo gets good.  I've been missing the feeling of rushing out of bed at 3 am and knowing that I'm off to be a part of the most special day of a woman's life.  I've missed seeing the world accept another contributor and a new soul accept his or her new home.
I took a long break from birthwork because I really needed it.  I was badly burned out and I wasn't able to clearly set limits for myself without feeling guilt.  I had taken some clients who weren't great matches, but I took them because they didn't particularly click with anyone else.  What I've learned, though, is I have just as much of a right to pick my clients as women have the right to pick their doula.  Ah, empowerment all around.
I've passed on several clients in the last few months and I'm sure I'll probably continue to pass on many in the future.  Nothing wrong with that.  I'm sure there are tons of new doulas who are still working under the Rosy haze of green newness who will be more than willing to take on the clients who pick the OB who has a 75% cesarean rate but swears that it won't happen to them because they're "different - Dr. X said so!!" 
Um. Yeah.
Today I got an email from a woman who is due in a couple of months.  She's chosen to birth her child in the most gentle way possible with the best care givers in town and my gal, DDFF, might very well be catching this baby.  This gal is looking for a doula and would like it to be me.  Everything about it says " GREEN LIGHT" and I've agreed to meet with her next week.
I'm excited.  I always love a good birth - and rebirth.


Anonymous said...

and glad you are seeing that not only clients choose, but that you can (& should) as well.

Oh Wayward One said...

Really really proud of you. Go get 'em, tiger!