Monday, March 13, 2006

Retail Therapy

I've had a hard day.  Yesterday and last night, our house got hit with storms.  Today was full of insurance garbage and folks coming to fix things.  One of my best friends in the whole wide world came by for a brief visit that turned into hours of sobbing and crying and holding and my friend confessed to the world and his / her self for the first time that he / she is an alcoholic.  I have loved this person for nearly half of my life and going through it with him / her is an awful lot like going through it with the other person in my life who is an alcoholic (18 months sober this week!!!  WAHOOO.)  But, with my friend, I cannot get angry.  I cannot rage and walk out.  I just have to sit and cry and try to have faith.  This is hard shit. 
So, I did what helps me feel better, doesn't put on pounds, and doesn't hinder driving - I bought something.  I had been ear marking and stashing away some money for a birthday present for myself (I'll be 30 in a few weeks - shhhhhhh!!!!)  It's totally an unnecessary purchase - it's the very definition of a luxury item (for me.)  And it's expensive (if your last name isn't Winfrey or Trump, anyway.)  We have things that need the financial attention, but B wouldn't let me back down, saying that I need to treat myself now and then, and since I'd been saving for it anyhow, go ahead and do it.  So, I did.

I bought the 2 GB iPod Nano.  It's black, but only because I've been told that 85% of iPod owners choose the white one.  I'm all for diversity. 
Her name will be forth-coming. 
Nothing like a little retail therapy to put the spring back in my step.  Happy birthday to me!

1 comment:

Oh Wayward One said...

ROCK AND ROLL!!! We can be Nano twins!!! No wait, our Nanos can have an interracial relationship and make little mixed-race Nanitos!!! Woo hoo!!