Wednesday, February 22, 2006

bits and pieces

I had a rough birth that spanned 2 days.  I'm still processing it and working through it.  Mama and baby are fine and well and happy, but I learned a lot with this one - learned a lot about myself and where I am right now.  It's hard feeling the need to re-evaluate, but not really wanting to admit the results of the evaluation.  DDFF, I'm gonna need you on this one.  Let's schedule either sushi or drinks (tea counts as a drink) shall we?  Maude knows you probably have a lot to unload about your trip.
Folks, DDFF got stuck in Texas.  Missed flights and all that.  While it might not seem like a big deal, let me just say that if you've already been away from your kids and partner for 4 days, an extra day might as well be year.  SO, if you offer to take someone to the airport, you better fucking well know how to get there.  Mama, I'm feeling some righteous anger for you, so let me know if you want me to whoop some Texas ass, Hank Hill style.
The kids and I missed the Curious George party.  SS, so sorry - I'd have rather been there.  Tell me all about it!!  (Saw the pics on your blog - sooooooooo adorable! CP is getting SO BIG!!)
VJ is in a rough place with someone she loves dearly.  I wrap my love around you - hope you can feel it in CA.
B is on FIRE with his framing.  He just finished a piece that he made as a gift for a long time friend of ours.  It's so amazing, it sucks the breath right out of me.  After he's given it, I'll post a picture.
Happy Birthday, CTM.  Miss February sends you love.  Now, get out there and raise the pop up and score some hippie chicks!  :-)
I love being friends with my Dad.  We had a wonderful, albeit brief, chat this morning.  It's awesome that he gets me.  I never even thought it was possible.
The boys are learning about the atmosphere on Mars and satellites and space history.  They're eating muffins and wearing their pajamas.  Homeschooling at it's best.
Be good to yourselves today everyone.

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