Thursday, May 25, 2006


Just downloading some Bowie for Erzulie and couldn't help myself.
So the new template.  I needed something new and I'm sure I'll change this a thousand times before I'm settled.  Frankly, I want my own template -something with disco balls and fuchsia feathers and motorcycles.  No such luck?  How about Mimosas and pink toenails?  A mountain with folks at the base hurling pickles at Val Kilmer who sits omnipotently on top? 
Or not.
There's all kinds of things I'm excited about and I promise that none of you are interested in any of them.  Oh, don't worry, I'm going to post about them anyway, but you won't care about them - I'm just saying.
Our refrigerator.  I hated that bastard for the last year or more.  It just sat there all smugly saying things like, "You know, I'm only 5 years old.  Just old enough to screw with you folks, but not old enough to have me replaced.  Heh Heh Heh, I guess I got you, suckers."  Oh sure, on the outside he looked all innocent and agreeable enough. On the outside.  Open him up, however, and you entered the 7th circle of appliance hell.  Although we do not have an ice maker hooked up to it, it was *leaking water* from the top.  Oh yes, water leaked down from the top, ran down the back of the fridge, into the crispers (a big bitch for me since I'm shelling out $3 per handful of organic salad goodies that we eat by the bushel,) and eventually onto our floor where it undoubtedly was destroying our floors and sub floors.  A Whole Freaking Year, folks.  Yes, yes, we could have called a repairman.  Yes yes, I could have called a repair man.  But see, I'm married to a guy who can fix anything, anything at all, if he tries hard enough.  The trick is that he has to be motivated to do something about it.  It took a full year.  A FULL FREAKING YEAR.  But yesterday, we took everything out of the damned beast.  We found the clog in the drain.  We took off panel after panel.  We flushed tubes and pipes and probably someone's colon (in the chaos, things got a little confusing.)  We cleaned every square inch of that thing.   We threw away enough food to feed a starving family in a third world country.  But ladies and gentlemen, let me make an announcement:
We kicked that refrigerator's ass.
It's working like a charm and I love my newly humbled icebox.  There's no water leaking.  It's clean enough I would eat off it (Okay, maybe I would have done that anyway ...)  I look at my Whirlpool and it says to me, "Come here, Mamakohl, I have a goodie for you ..." and it does.  And I partake in the next thing I'm excited about:
Captain Morgan's Parrot Bay Passion Fruit Rum with Dole Orange, Peach, Mango Juice.  I used to be a big drinker.  For years, I would amaze people at my ability to put it away.  Then I went a long time without drinking anything at all.  Now, occasionally, I delight in a little imbibement.  This is my new favorite grown up treat.  It's delightful for Spring / Summer and goes best with girlfriends.  The only downside is that you have to have a whole lotta juice 'cause the kids are going to see you drinking something that looks like something they would be drinking and you have to give them something of their own so they don't drink yours.  Enter frozen OJ concentrate - it's living in my newly compliant freezer.  This brings me to another exciting thing ---
JenPen is officially out of teaching for the summer.  I've written about how much I love summers with her and her family.  It's just too good to be true, most times.  The fiesta starts tomorrow morning at 9:30 at my house.  Mimosas for the grownups, sandboxes for the little ones.  I love girlfriends.  And another exciting point -
DDFF and I owe ourselves some serious sushi.  And maybe a cocktail or two, certainly tea and Main Squeeze.  My right hand gal has worked her tush off these last few weeks and June is only gonna get more crazy for her.  She'll be without her children for a whole month while she catches baby after baby, but I'm hoping she'll have time to let her mojo shine on her girlie friends (meaning ME.)
Speaking of kidlets, my MIL has requested we start working towards week long visits, meaning she wants to eventually keep my children for an entire week.  Um, OKAY!  Now B is not so thrilled about this.  He is not with them 24/7 and so he misses them terribly when they're gone for even a night.  Yeah, it's sweet and all, but COME ON.  Mama needs to get her groove on and let me tell you, my groove is seriously impaired with two whining children attached to me demanding that I sing the "BunnyHop" yet again.
Oh man, speaking of singing songs, Duck can now sing all the lyrics to Jimmy Buffet's Cheeseburger in Paradise.  Oh yeah, sometimes he goofs a word or two, but he's got the chant down cold.  "I like mine with lettuce and tomato, Heinz 57 and French fried potatoes, big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer, good god almighty which way do I steer??"   He screams this at the top of his lungs while riding his bike down the hill, long hair trailing behind him.  Holy smokes, I love that kid.
Folks, I'm outta here.  Things are going to be busy this summer, what with all the laziness to be done and all.  I'm sure I'll still be posting, but I'll bet you won't be interested in any of it.  Just like you weren't interested in any of this drivel, either.
Time may change me, but I can't change time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl, I love reading your 'drivel'. Glad B could fix your fridge. Which reminds me, I need to clean out my fridge. Ugh.