Thursday, May 04, 2006


I've forgotten to mention a few lovely things that has happened as of late, so just throwing them out there randomly ...
JenPen is nearly done teaching for the summer.  Nothing has made me happier.  Sincerely, I've been holding on to this thought for a few months now and it's almost here!!!  Let the fiesta begin!
The MP3 challenge is da bomb.  Jill and I have yet to make it to Zanzibar, although we thought this was going to be the week.  Alas, no trip, but I do now have Wicked Game and Love is Strong on Erzulie which is like heroin for my libido.  Awesome!
Sandie gave me an awesome birthday present last night - sushi band-aids and a sushi air freshener for my car!  I know, can you believe it?  And no, it doesn't smell like sushi, but man, I dig it the most.
I finally made and sold a laptop / messenger bag.  I've been asked several times by several different people but never really wanted to make the commitment.  Having done so now, however, I can see that it is most likely a profitable venture.  So you want one?  Email me.
My kids got up this morning, but I don't know when.  B and I woke up at 7:30 and realized they were not in their beds.  They had gotten up "when it was neither dark nor light, Mom" and were playing in the basement.  What good boys!  They didn't do anything they weren't supposed to and they were happy as clams!  Might I finally get some sleep?  Stay tuned.
We had a great visit at a dairy farm with our homeschooling group.  Oh my Elvis, it was so much fun!!!  Kids got to milk cows, love on baby cows, and got free ice cream.  I'm telling you, it was a hoot.  DDFF and her crew also went along and I have to say, DDFF, I love love love doing field trips together.  I'll post some pics soon, but if you want to see the best one, check out her blog and gaze upon the delight that is her Filbert.
Did you know that I love Spring? I LOVE IT.  And I'll be damned, it seems like we're actually getting a Spring season this year.  Who knew?
I think B is getting a motorcycle.  Anyone who knows me knows how much I'm gonna LOVE LOVE LOVE that.  Wahoo!
I just forgot - I made chocolate pudding! 


Anonymous said...

oooh, i would love to see a pic of the laptop/messenger bag----i am intrigued!

---yum on that chocolate puddin'!


Anonymous said...

i'd love to see a picture of that bag!

sigh...I love motorcycles. Riding on the back in the nice weather. I hope he gets one!