Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Oh DD ...

You're so fine
You're so fine
You blow my mind
Hey DD!!  Hey DD!!
<<Bows and takes off cheerleading outfit to make the official statement of undying adoration and induction to tenured Rock On status>>
My Sister in Chopsticks, Yarn, Birth, and Mojo, DDFF, has bestowed upon me the fab gift of Wednesday night Pilates and Bellydance classes!  Oh yes, indeed.  Man, I love to work my body and I love to work it next to DDFF - she's my motivation mama.  Let's see ... Wednesday nights watching snoozer TV or tightening and toning and getting my ass kicked in general around some yummy ovarian goodness?????  No brainer - hurt me, please!!!  And, if we top off our almighty buffness with a little goma ae, all the better.
Girl, you rock my world.  We've been friends now for, what, close to 7 years (I remember you waltzing around with a 2 week old Filbert in a sling ....) and I think my lucky Elvis on Velvet for you every chance I get.  You entered my Rock On Hall of Fame ages  ago - thought I'd let you know that the plaque on the wall is permanent.
Thanks, Mamasita.  I can't wait!


Dee2 said...

I am SO SO happy that you are excited about this. I was afraid you'd give me a polite thumbs down.

This is gonna be so much more fun with your awesomeness parked next to me!

And we will just hafta, hafta, hafta promise ourselves sushi afterwards sometimes. Let's say for every 10 completed ass-kicking sessions we get one fab sushi night after a class? With plum wine.

Dee2 said...

Oh, and 7 years? *years*??
Fer reals?

Wow - I've throroughly enjoyed every minute.
Especially the sleepy ones - with the naked moaning people in the room. :)