Sunday, December 31, 2006

Toodles, 2006! Bring on 2007

So, it's New Year's Eve. In less than 9 hours, 2006 will be a memory and I'll start the mental soundtrack that will be playing for the next couple of months: "It's 2007, don't write 2006. It's 2007. Don't write 2006."

I guess I could write a little review of 2006, but what is there to review? Aside from some bumps here and there, 2006 was fantastic! I had a great year and can honestly say that my life is better today than it was a year ago and that's all that really matters, eh? No need for the ceremonial debriefing. I'm no slave to tradition.

But I have made some resolutions this year. I'm thinking I can handle them.

  1. Working on doing what speaks to me, honoring myself, instead of doing things that I feel I "should" do or "ought" to do (i.e. checking my motivation.)
  2. Work more on being my true self.
  3. Say YES more often to my kids and husband and myself and NO more often to everyone else.
  4. Learn intarsia knitting, although I may never use it.
  5. Convert all my cds into MP3s (if I start at midnight, I should have this finished by, oh, November)
  6. Do monthly back ups of files, music, photos, docs.
Yeah, I can swing it.

We're letting Duck and Stealth stay up until Midnight so they can watch the ball drop in Times Square. It's laughable to think that they'll make it that late, but you never know. I'd bet money that B and I will be having our New Year's kiss over the heads of two sleeping little boys, but I suppose it could be a party with Duck screaming his Duck-sh Auld Lang Syne and everyone slamming Sparkling Raspberry Grape juice out of my expensive champagne flutes. I'm not sure which I would prefer - a private moment with B to welcome in 2007, OR a wild, balls to the wall, full fledged fiesta with two happen' cats from the under 7 set.

Whatever you're doing, wherever you are, I hope that you have a rockin' New Year's Eve. May you have the bubbliest champagne, the best date, and may you not be stuck in the toilet when the clock strikes twelve. But, if your night is less than festive, just sing along with Duck:

Should old paintings
We've forgot
And never left behind
We'll drink a cup of tea, my dear
And then the last laugh's mine

1 comment:

Becky said...

I am laughing my ass off, as Duck sings his song! OMG! Good thing I'm at mom's and not at work tomorrow, I would so be busted for surfing at work!