Friday, October 27, 2006

In other news ...

Happy Anniversary DDFF & CF!!  Do it up right, loves.  Congratulations!
Garoo, Happy Birthday chicka!  SK loves you, doll.  And, p.s. welcome to the club.  I'm giving you a new nickname - I'm gonna call you Rookie.  Glad to have you on the team, little mama.
If you have not experienced the loveliness of Good Earth tea, go out right now and get yourself some.  This stuff is sooooooooo good.  Of course, I got the caffeine free kind and it's amazing.  It's called Spicy and Sweet and they mean it.  Clearly no honey is needed - it's sweet and tasty and just yum-a-rific.  And at 3 cals per serving, feel free to knock yourself out.
Duck is cracking me up.  He's been saying the most random things.  This morning he was cleaning up some toys and said, "Wow, this sure would go a heck of a lot faster with that Clean Up Droid I have planned!"  And yesterday, while naming states, he said, "OH yeah, that's Kentucky - where Stealth comes from!!"  I'm pretty sure I was there when Stealth was born and I'm pretty sure I wasn't in Kentucky, but one can never be too sure.  DDFF, you were there -did we morph to the Bluegrass state?
Had a great time last night looking at books and pumpkins with you, DDFF.  Everyone needs a girlfriend who will match you rip for rip.
Tonight may be the last game of the World Series.  How freaking cool would that be?  The kids are gonna be gone tonight so you can bet my butt will be on a couch eating pizza and drinking beer and watching the game.  Although, I have yet to see Mr. Ritchie at any of the games -maybe if they go back to Detroit?  I hear his so called wife is back in her motherland, Canada.  Why did you have to go Canadian, Bob?  WHY?  Thought you were the American Badass ..... 
So, just for what it's worth, I'm married to the best guy.  Maybe he's not the best guy for everyone, but he's certainly the only soul on the planet who was destined for me.  Man, he's my best friend and he thinks I hung the moon.  I love that.  And I love that my girlfriends have men who feel the same about them.  Anyway, some big big big things are coming B's way - some much earned praise and recognition and possibly some large cashola.  I'm so proud of him - he's done some great things  - he deserves all the goodies he can get.
I want a 2/3 knitting book -a book where I'm guaranteed to like and make at least 2/3 of the stuff in it.  Have any suggestions?  If not, I'm gonna have to write one.  Damn.
Halloween is coming up.  I love Halloween.  The boys are going as skeletons this year. I've lost my mind and am making their costumes. I have glow in the dark paint everywhere.  Heh.
Okay, folks, have a great weekend.  Make it the best you possibly can. 

1 comment:

Mama All-Star said...

Sounds like a kick ass weekend Miss S. Enjoy your kid free time-I know I'll be enjoying mine!