Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

I finished the kids' costumes yesterday and am stunned by how well the turned out!  Glow-in-the-Dark paint is amazing!
I had microwaved popcorn and mini-Oreos for breakfast.  My kids had gummy Life Savers, popcorn, DumDum suckers, and fruit snacks (don't be fooled by the fruit snacks -they're still nothing but total crap.) 
Lunch will be whatever I can scare up (get it, scare up!?!?!? ) followed by cupcakes I'm sure.
We're making pumpkin muffins this afternoon - delish, but there's a whole freaking cup of sugar in there!
B will come home tonight and we'll paint up their little faces and go raid a few neighborhoods.  The kids are going as skeletons, B and I are going as "Involved Parents."
Dinner will be late and will consist of candy and more candy while carving the jack o' lantern.  Perhaps I'll be smart and make some white chili to cook in the crock pot during the day.  Hmmmmmm.
After the kids pass out cold, B and I will hit the stash and immediately remove all the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Snicker's Bars because they clearly are unsafe for anyone under the age of 30 to eat - must save the children.  ;-)
Oh sweet Elvis on velvet, I love love love Halloween! 
Look for photos tomorrow.

1 comment:

Mama All-Star said...

I agree 100% Peanut Butter Cups and Snickers are way way way too unsafe for anyone under the age of 30. Or at least that's the rule in my house too!