Thursday, September 28, 2006

I need to take Ginko to get through bedtime

We have a routine with the boys at bedtime.  I'm a firm believer in establishing family rituals (cutting the head of chickens will not be in this post.  That's on my other blog.  heh heh heh. You decide if I'm joking....)  As I was saying, I think that rituals help to bond the family together, so we have lots of them.

The primary one, however, is bedtime.
Every night, the kids brush their teeth and B and I tuck them into their beds.  I climb onto Duck's bed and B climbs onto Stealth's and we have a little talk.  Then we switch beds and I talk to Stealth while B talks to Duck.  I don't know what B talks about with the boys, but I always ask them the same 2 questions:  "What was your favorite part about today?," and "What are you going to dream about tonight?"  I like it.  It ends the day talking about positive aspects of our life (gratitude) as well as thinking optimistically about the future (hell, 2 hours from the time they fall asleep is in the future, isn't it?)
Anyway, after that, we say goodnight.  Or well, we used to say goodnight.  And then something happened in the universe and the kids starting morphing "Goodnight" into some sort of cryptic code to, perhaps, signal the mothership. 
It used to be "Good Night!"
Now, it's:
"Good Night"
"Night Nighty"
"Shine Nighty"
"Bill Nighty"
"Ararat Nighty"
"Sick Nighty"
"Soup Nighty"
And, no, it's not pick or choose, not multiple choice.  Nope, it's all of them at once.  Yes oh yes, I have to say all of them in a list.
I'm too old to remember this stuff.  If you need me tomorrow, you can find me in the supplement aisle.  I'll need to stock up before bedtime tomorrow.

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