Sunday, July 09, 2006

now, this is a Sunday

It's Sunday, B's day off.  We all woke up very early today for some reason -all four of us were up and around by 6:15 in the morning.   B got dressed and, even though it was raining, escaped for some much needed alone time at a lake with dreams of catching dinner.  He'll be back in couple of hours, drenched and happy, ready for some warm coffee and some time with the family.
He mowed yesterday.
The grocery shopping is done.
There is very little laundry to do.
The house isn't exactly sparkling, it's lived in, but it's acceptable.
While I am not an advocate of much TV watching or game playing, days like this warrant it.  I'm envisioning all of us watching a movie and pigging out on popcorn with nutritional yeast.  I see the boys playing a video game while I spin yarn off to the side.  I see a grazing lunch and an early dinner.
Not much to do.
And that's what I like to do best.

1 comment:

Mama All-Star said...

Sounds like a relaxing day. Enjoy-I've got to clean my house before the boys get home from their visit w/ the tool.