Monday, June 19, 2006

Priorities, again

I am my own worst enemy.  I drive myself insane under some sort of life law that says I have to do it all, I have to be everything, I have to take on more and more and more to prove my self worth.
Wanna guess how well that is working out for me?
In the last 3 days, I've said NO to 2 really big opportunities.
It amazes and comforts me that all I have to do is be the best woman I can be, the best Mom I can be, and that I can define both of those roles for myself.
Dear Elvis, Please help me to be human.



Mama All-Star said...

Learning to say 'no' has been the hardest thing I've ever tried to master. It's an amazing feeling when you realize that being a wonderful mom, wife, and friend does not mean doing everything. You're still a Super Woman.


Anonymous said...

M said it!
SK, take a break & eliminate what it is you need to.
Do not feel guilty.
You need to do what is right for YOU!