Thursday, June 29, 2006

I'm beyond stunned

our mindless, fart lighting, chronic halitosis having, favorite playing, benefit cutting, closed minded fuckwit of a governor finally did something that I actually applaud and completely and 100% agree with.  But I'm beginning to wonder - did he have a stroke?  This decision actually makes sense.  It's so out of character for him.  Surely a neurologist is on board
He signed a bill into law making it mandatory for children under the age of 8 and under 80 pounds to ride in a booster seat.
I have seen too many children, including some that I love, riding around without booster seats and, in many cases, without seat belts.  This is beyond unexplainable to me.  I'm a fanatic about seat belts, car seats, and booster seats.  Children in the back.  Everyone clicked in before the vehicle starts.  Honest to goodness, isn't it a very small price to pay for the safety of children?  Why people refuse to take such simple steps to keep our children alive and safe is unimaginable to me.  Maybe now they'll pay the price.  Better the parents than the children, eh?
So, happy happy day.
And Governor Dumbass?  Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Hooray for Blunt, the asshole...that is very impressive.
He won't let those same children's parents have healthcare but hell i gots my boob job LOL!!...ahhh, i digress....

Anonymous said...

Ditto! Now if he can only sign a bill that prevents my whacko mother from conducting business meetings on her HAND HELD mobile phone while driving ME around!!! OK I'm over 8 y.o. but still! Where's the love!?