Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Gertie makes her move

So, ol' Gert, aka Tractor, aka the 1983 Toyota Landcruiser that B totalled, finally made her move.  She's been serving as Parts Truck for the 1985 Landcruiser that B now drives and she's been sitting in our driveway for 3 years since the wreck.
Today, she made her move.  To our back yard.  Behind the GINORMOUS cedar tree.
Ah, Gert, Ah Tractor, you're now part of the scenery.
For awhile, all we needed was a toilet filled with geraniums to make the White Trash Gazette.
I'm telling you -
We're moving on up, Weezie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Freakin' HILARIOUS!!!
pictures to share?
miss you