Monday, June 12, 2006

The challenge of my life

It's Monday, aka MP3 challenge day. Oh Wayward One issued the challenge this week - "The one song that tells your life story in the lyrics."

Now, talk about getting nostalgic!!

OWO and I are exactly the same in that every second of every day of our life has a song attached to it. It's just the way we are. We have more music than memories, more songs than shoes, more soundtracks than sound ideas.

This is going to be rough. I swear, we could both fill 2G with songs that tell our life story.

Good one, OWO. If you're looking for me, I'll be the chick buried under all the cds.


Anonymous said...

Can i play???
i would have to say that Blind Melon's "Change" is my song.
fun fun
anxious to hear what yours is, SK

Mama All-Star said...

You've had me thinking of this all day today. I've got so many that mean something to me but my all time song that I think of as mine is "Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake. It's my anthem. =)

Did you figure one out yet S?