Monday, April 09, 2007

Well, he rose from the dead, but he sure ain't Jesus -- UPDATED

So I have a page on a popular social / networking website. It's small and private and nothing personal really and I use it mostly as a way to stay in contact with some of my friends who live in other countries. I don't check it very often, it's not an obsession for me as it is for some people, but none the less, I have this page. And yesterday, Easter morning, I decided to check it.

And found that I have a new friend request.

From someone I didn't recognize right away.

So I looked at the profile.

Scrolled down.

And crapped myself.

It was my ex-husband!

I haven't had any contact with him or any member of his family in 7 years. At. All. Period.

So, now the can of worms is just sorta sitting out there.

It's kind of amazing - you roll the stone away and are amazed at what comes out from under the rock.

I cannot believe how many of you care about this .... but here's the scoop.
I sent him a message. He sent me a message. I sent him a message. He sent me a message. I added him to my friend's list. I'm giving it 2 weeks. If it doesn't get all freaky in 2 weeks, well, then YAY for reconnecting with folks from my past (I have absolutely NO ill will towards him - I hope he's happy and successful.) If it gets freaky, I can simply delete him from my list. But I gotta admit, I broke down in tears when I saw he's still in contact with the few things that I bitterly lost custody of in the divorce - he's still in touch with M, R, and J. Those guys were my brothers and it was as hard for me to leave them as it was for me to leave my ex.
We'll see.

Oh. And FWIW, MySpace is like Crack.

1 comment:

Mama All-Star said...

And you leave it at that? Well?????