Tuesday, April 10, 2007

This woman is my hero - forever

She gave birth to sextuplets and she breastfed them all for 6 months!! Give this woman a medal and a lifetime supply of whatever the hell she wants!! HOW FANTASTIC IS THAT????? I'm all giddy just thinking about it!

When asked how she did it, she said, laughingly, "Complaining all day!" But then she got serious and said, "Well I used to nurse them all and then one day one of them bit me!! So I said, 'No, uh uh, No more,' and so then I pumped. I was brought up to believe that God will provide and he did." She was pumping 50 - 60 bottles a day!!!!

I am so so so so thrilled that this was on Oprah! I'm so thrilled that millions of people are going to see that it is possible!

She is my hero!

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