Saturday, November 04, 2006


I'm aware that it's still early on in the day and that things could change in a heartbeat, but can I just say that today has been amazing.  Simply amazing.

I awoke to Duck quietly reading a book in the living room.  Yes, it was 5:45 in the morning (yeah, that was painful,) but he was quietly reading and I just got up and ended up watching him do his thing.  Stealth wandered out around 6:25 or so and they played together quietly while I made pumpkin muffins from scratch (YUMMMM!)
Went to the library and met up with my sister.  I made a haul from the cd department - that Greg sure knows what he's doing!  Lots of Dylan, some Clash, another live Little Feat (J.M. Bill, I know I know I know, you're the mecca for this stuff,) and tons of other goodies.
Then we all went to get bagels and I have to say, while they are not the most figure friendly thing in the world, Chai lattes are just divine!
Managed to make it in and out of Target with only 2 purchases - a much sought after computer game for the boys and a nice $3 t-shirt for myself.  Mark your calendars, ladies and gentlemen, I made it through Target without selling my soul.  Brava to me!
Had a little time to kill, so after dropping my sister off, I took the boys to a lovely little bookstore downtown and let them play with trains while I browsed knitting books.  Love that.  I did find a book that I might actually consider buying, but of course, I have since forgotten the name.  What can I say - I'm consistent.
Duck did an amazing amazing amazing job at yoga -completely appropriate and enjoyable.  He, again, demonstrated his self-invented asana - "The Statue of Liberty Pose."  Where this kid gets his patriotism is beyond me.

While he was in yoga class, Stealth and I wandered downtown and managed to get a lovely take out lunch from Main Squeeze.  The tofu salad is beyond words - and this is coming from a gal who doesn't like tofu!!!  I could eat buckets of the stuff.
Picked up Duck from class and went to visit B, letting the kids go hog wild under the disco lights on the dance floor.  It's such a blissful experience watching kids do their own thing without rhyme or reason.  Makes me know the purpose of life - have fun!!  If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right.
Got home to find that two lovely cookbooks had arrived for me in the mail.  DDFF, tell Garoo that I'm with her all the way - it was a Rachael Ray cookbook and a Paula Deen cookbook.  Tell her to get her fanny over here and we'll cook up a bash!
Sat down to write this entry and my dear friend from Chicago called.  I've known this guy (and I do mean known in every form of the word at one time or another) since I was 18 years old.  We chatted for over an hour.  How wonderful to have maintained such a long lasting relationship with a great guy!  It's evolved into many different forms over the years, but we still recognize each other's voices on the phone, we still wish each other the very best, and we still laugh at each other loud and long enough to wet our pants.  I love that he is such a huge supporter of my marriage and my family.  He loves that I always root him on to take big risks and make huge changes.  It was lovely, just lovely to spend some time with him today.
While I was on the phone with him, B came home with a beer and a smile for me.  I love that about him.  He doesn't drink, but knows that sometimes Mama could use a beer.  One beer.  After all, I am on call.
It's not yet 5pm.  It's gonna be a great night.

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