Monday, May 30, 2005

Small is powerful

So my soon to be 5 year old son, Duck, comes up to me yesterday and says, "Hey Mama - guess what? Small is powerful!"

Small IS powerful.

It's the small things that make the most difference. As an experienced doula with many births under my belt, I have mentored a few brand new, wet behind he ears, doulas in my area. These women, Elvis love them, are so fired up and eager to help that they end up doing too much. The most important thing for us to do is to simply be there, to hold the space, to be SMALL until needed. Even then, we should be small, playing the supporting, not leading role - giving suggestions and ideas so that the laboring mother and her partner may be BIG and can say, "We did it ourselves! Thanks for your help!"

As a homeschooling mother, Small is Powerful. Kids will learn if we let them learn at their own pace. Being small and watching my kids learn on their own is often so much more productive than trying to teach them anything. Go ahead. Try to teach someone how to draw what's in their heads. It's impossible. But, if you give them the supplies they need and then sit back and be SMALL, they'll create things you never imagined possible.

In life, we learn more by admitting that we are small. If we sit back and observe what is going on around us instead of trying to MAKE something happen on our own, we'll be gifted with change. Knowing that we are small and only a small part of a huge collective conciousness, we gain strength.

Today, I'm going to allow myself to be small. I'm going to sit and be still and quiet and small and observe what is going on around me. I'm going to try to appreciate my minuteness - and I have a feeling, at the end of the day, I'll have done BIG BIG things.


velma said...

Small is also Beautiful.
I love you, Sarah!

Anonymous said...

You are such an inspiration Sarah. May your children be as well.