Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Buddha, I'm stuck!!!

So, I'm reading If the Buddha Got Stuck by Charlotte Kasl . I am stuck. I'm just plain ol' stuck and it happens. No biggie. Just need to get unstuck. This book is amazing, delightful. Since I don't so much have it in me to write my own review of it at 8 in the morning (the boys actually slept in until 7:30 - can I get an AMEN???) I'm just going to post what another reviewer wrote.

Kasl blends Buddhism with mind-body approaches to focus energy and move beyond
the overthinking mind to a connection with our emotional body. Whether or not
you are familiar with Buddhism this lively book on the art of flowing with life,
despite the waves of ups and down, are filled with simple techniques to stay
clear of chatter and familiar emotional responses. The practices proposed by
Kasl are designed to calm the mind, sooth the emotional, and release the tension
in the physical body. This is ultimatley a guide to connecting with your spirit
and wisdom of soul. A wonderul handbook when the chronic patterns of the past
pollute the present and corrupt the future. Simple brilliance ... just like the
Yeah. It's that good.

There's another book that might interest some of the folks who stop by here to read my blatherings (YES, I'm talking about YOU.)

It's called If the Buddha Dated.

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1 comment:

Becky said...

Yes, you're talking about me. OK. I'll check them out at the library. Can't be any worse than what I've got, and just might improve and change things in a good way.

I love you. You make me smile.